Higher Education Full-Service
Products and Specifications

DATE: 1st August 2024


Higher Education Full-Service
SITS:Vision Bundled Components

Component Code Component Name Component Description
MAS20 Admissions - Dept for Education, Teacher Training (Primary use: UK) Provides the API and operations required to import and export the details of any applicant and application regarding a post graduate teacher training position. Previously these application were dealt via UCAS, but in 2020 UCAS separated out the DfE teacher training application. 
MAS09 Admissions - UKPASS (File Import) (Primary use: UK) Basic Interface.
MAS04 Admissions - Accreditation of Prior Learning (Primary use: All geographies) Enables applicants to apply for study on modules or to submit an application for recognition of any prior learning leading to additional competency or accredited exemption from study.
MAS12 Admissions - Applicant Ranking (Primary use: All geographies) Enables a user to record a score against different items defined by the institution within the application process. These scores can then be run through a formula and are used to calculate a final rating for an applicant. These ratings can then be sorted to find the applicants who are judged to be “most suitable”, or indeed “least suitable”, for a course. Bulk decisions can be made on groups of applications in this ranked order.
MAS07 Admissions - Automatic Qualifications Assessment (Primary use: All geographies) Automatic qualifications assessment.
IPP03 Institution Published Programmes - Applications (Primary use: All geographies) Enables enquiries and applications to be processed via the Prospectus Publishing function. From published content delivered via the eVision Course and Event Publishing component, enquirers and applicants can view information about the courses, modules and events on offer at the institution. This enables the user to continue through to enquiry and application workflows. Using enquirer workflows, requests can be submitted for additional information and marketing materials (such as prospectuses) to be dispatched to the enquirer. When an enquirer has selected the course to which they wish to apply, they can submit and monitor the progress of their application online. Similarly, applicants can apply directly via links included in the published content by completing institution defined application forms online. Facilities are provided to capture document uploads from the applicant as part of the process.
IPP05 Institution Published Programmes - Bookings (Primary use: All geographies) Allows students and agents to directly book and pay for places on courses or modules. Module and course enrolment information can then be transferred to the core student records and payments can be managed through the Student Account Management component. This component also provides a call centre facility to enable staff to easily record bookings and take payments over the phone.
IPP06 Institution Published Programmes - Data Import (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the ability to import external application, enquiry or booking data from files, with the ability to create fully configurable data mappings in order to ensure that all of the data is stored in appropriate SITS:Vision fields. Such files may be provided by 3rd party organisations, or could be the result of overseas careers fairs.
MAS01 Admissions - Basic Data (Primary use: All geographies) Provides fully configurable functionality to manage agents, providing an agent portal to encourage agents to provide up to date information on the status of their interactions with all prospective student applications.
MAS02 Admissions - External Link (Primary use: All geographies) Electronic data exchange for use with central admissions processing such as UCAS, GTTR, ODBC Link (UK Specific). Enables applicants to be processed during clearing, providing extensive workflow functionality for the capture and processing of clearing applicant information.
MAS05 Admissions - Interview Visit Days (Primary use: All geographies) Provides you with everything you need to plan your Interview and / or Open Day and to then deliver this information to your prospective students. Interviews can be set up and maintained within the e-Vision web portal. You can create and amend templates and duplicate an existing Interview set-up. Once you are happy with your interview day you can schedule students to those interviews and send out invites to them. Open Days can be set up and maintained in the same way as Interviews. You can plan the activities that will be available during the day and when they will occur. You can assign areas of interest to your open day so potential students can easily find relevant open days that they will want to attend. Once potential students have found a suitable open day they are stepped through the process of choosing which activities in the day they want to attend and when (if a choice is provided).
MAS06 Admissions - CAO (Primary use: Ireland) Electronic Data Exchange for use with central admissions processing - CAO.
MAS10 Admissions - Paperless processing (Primary use: All geographies) Configuration tool to support institutions' implementation of a Paperless Applications process.
MAS16 Admissions - Entry Tests (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the results of English language tests and other entry tests to be downloaded from files provided by external awarding bodies. The results are held in SITS:Vision. Some of the files are only available to agencies outside the UK. Example entry tests are:

TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language
IELTS - International English Language Testing System
GRE - Graduate Record Exam

Applicants in the entry test files can be automatically matched to persons in the institution’s database or manually matched. The institution determines whether to create qualification or transcript records from the entry test data downloaded from the results files.
MAS19 Admissions - Quotas (Primary use: All geographies) Admissions quotas allow institutions to define their University or University course admissions targets at a granular level. Any aspect of the applicant record can be used as a measure against a target. For example, for a course; home target vs overseas target, male target vs female target, widening participation factor, previous education level target, target for interview. All quotas can be an actual number or a calculated proportion of the course target. Quotas can be values that guide the admissions team in their decision making, fix a cap to a particular type of student, or retrospectively inform institutions whether their entry process has attained the number of students they expected.
MEN21 Menu System - Institution Database (Primary use: All geographies) Allows a user / applicant to search for an organisation based on name / alternate name. When an Institution Database search is performed, weightings and calculations are made against the search record and when the results of that search are retrieved, the search record can reference the original source data to display information to the user.
SV303 SITS e:Vision - Admissions Portal (Primary use: All geographies) Sold with SV207 to comprise the Admissions Folder Tree. This allows the user to see statistics relating to applications as well as rendering applications in a folder structure. Consists of two elements: the dashboard and the applications list. The dashboard’s two primary functions are to view statistics based on a department chosen in the department menu and to allow access to a list of applications for that department (permissions allowing). The applications list allows users to move applications between virtual folders thus mimicking a workflow as an application transitions through the institution’s business process. Basic functions also include the ability to send bulk messages to a range of applications within a folder. Admissions Portal users can also be given maintenance and configuration permissions to build their own folder tree work structure.
MAS24 Admissions - Preferences (Primary use: All geographies) Enables applying students to put their choices in preference order.
MAS11 Admissions - TAC Uploads (Primary use: Australia) Used by Australian customers for TAC.
MAS15 Admissions - VTAC uploads (Primary use: Australia) Used by Australian customers for VTAC.
MAS23 Admissions - UM Flat File Import (Primary use: Malaysia) Flat File Import API. For admissions imports in Malaysia.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
MEN03 Menu System - Award certificate printing (Primary use: All geographies) Covers the management of award certificate production on University parchment for students. The award certificate production process within SITS:Vision takes information relating to the student award and enables the production and printing of certificates.
CAM04 Programmes - Assessment (Primary use: All geographies) Manages student credit information, the management of assessed work and module results, along with the calculation of student awards. This includes assessment patterns associated with modules (i.e. what assessment is required for completion of a module, for example 50% examination and 50% coursework), the applicable mark schemes for modules and assessments (e.g. mark and grade, grade point, grade only etc.), module result auditing (to record changes made to results in the system) and candidate number generation for use in anonymous marking and examination processing. User-defined rules enable the system to recommend the award(s) for a batch of students, based on the credits that they have achieved. Multiple calculation methods may determine the classification of a student’s award. The paperwork for award boards is produced and the boards’ decisions are entered. Actual and Agreed awards are retained on the system.
CAM29 Programmes - Assessment Questions and Criteria (Primary use: All geographies) Enables questions to be defined beneath an element of assessment, allowing for example, questions to be associated with an examination. Assessments can be made up of any number of required sections and questions, with the ability to define which sections should be mandatory and how each question should be marked.

Marks are entered through the online module mark entry process within the e-Vision web portal with results being written back to the assessment records.
CAM16 Programmes - Assessment Submission (Primary use: All geographies) The Assignment Submission process allows students to submit assignments and tutors to mark / moderate those assessments via the e-Vision web portal. The process is delivered initially to students as a workflow through which they are able to request further information, ask for an extension, add notes to the assessment item and upload their assignment. Uploaded assignments can be sent to a server location where plagiarism checking and virus checking software are run. When assignments have been submitted by the student a further workflow is delivered to a staff member selected based on availability and workload from a defined group of markers who can then review the uploaded assessment and enter marks, request an extension or hand on the work to another marker. This process also supports multiple markers / moderators.
CAM41 Programmes - Automated Assessment Compensation (Primary use: All geographies) Allows the adjustment of failed module results based upon a hierarchy of flexible, user-defined rules. As a simple example, a failed student module may be passed if 120 credits or more have been achieved.

The process can be configured to allow multiple compensation passes, e.g. one pass before exam reassessments and one after. Compensation rules are created using the mature rule definition tables that exist in the Progression component; this results in a hierarchy of Compensation rules that are highly configurable. Student and module result tables are updated in addition to recording the compensation reason, holding the outcomes of the compensation process.
CAM33 Programmes - Exam Requests (Primary use: All geographies) Allows students to submit an examination request and staff to submit requests on behalf of the students. After Examination requests have been submitted each request is required to be confirmed before the Examination Scheduler schedules the student. After the student has been scheduled, the examination paper is ordered and distributed to the exam centre. After the examination has taken place, the exam scripts are returned from the exam centre, which are then booked back into the system for marking.
CAM40 Programmes - Grade Point Averages (Primary use: All geographies) Allows users to use the Grade point Average Calculation Process to determine Overall, Pathway and Other types of grade point averages (GPA), for both cumulative and individual sessions.
CAM31 Programmes - Mark Scaling (Primary use: All geographies) Facilitates the use of mark scaling against assessment results by enabling users to set up and perform mark scaling at all levels of assessment processing, namely: Module, Assessment, Section and Question. Mark Scaling gives users the option to adjust marks based upon the following schemes that are currently available: Linear Interpolation, Linear Adjustment, Percentage Adjustment, Translation, Grading by Percentage, Bell Curve.
CAM45 Programmes - Mitigation, Appeals & Complaints (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the management of Extenuating Circumstances, with the ability for students to raise requests and for these requests to be tracked through various stages of approval prior to final publishing.
CAM21 Programmes - Student Award Prediction (Primary use: All geographies) Enables staff to see if a student is on target to meet their intended award. If desired, students can also use the facility for the same reason. The facility helps the user to determine how many additional marks (or grades) would be required in order for the student to gain an award. The facility utilises both existing marks that are already stored against the student’s module results and enables the user to define any additional (expected) marks / grades for those modules which are either on hold or are yet to be marked.
CAM35 Programmes - Student Feedback (Primary use: All geographies) Allows module tutors or markers to log their feedback for student assessments directly into SITS:Vision. The feedback can be typed directly into the interface or uploaded as a document depending on set-up. The Student Feedback facility enables: Staff to define whether feedback is required at the assessment or assessment question level. The ability to categorise different feedback types into categories, e.g. formative, summative, positive, neutral and negative. The ability to create feedback in text or document form, with integration with Document Manager. The ability to record how feedback was given, e.g. verbally or electronically. The ability to clearly see where feedback has / hasn’t been recorded at the point of e:Vision mark entry. Multiple items of feedback to be assigned to an assessment item or assessment question. Access controls to be utilised in order to determine whether module tutors / markers can view, edit, delete feedback.
CAM32 Programmes - XML Assessment Import (Primary use: All geographies) Provides a method of importing assessment and re-assessment marks and grades in to SITS:Vision using an XML file format. This makes it ideal, when used in conjunction with Stu-Talk, for importing marks from external systems such as Blackboard.
SV302 SITS e:Vision - Assessment Barcoding (Primary use: All geographies) Assessment Barcoding.
SRS04 Students - Assessment and Progression (Primary use: All geographies) Facilitates progression through a course (e.g. one year to the next) and also the ultimate progression; the calculation of the final student award. Progression methods are configured within SITS:Vision, enabling you to reference your academic regulations in data. Reporting tools permit accurate reviews of progress either at interim stages or at the end of a period of study.
SRS14 Students - Personal Development Plan (Primary use: All geographies) Allows the logging of activities which are not part of the main academic timetable but provide some form of learning or experience to be included in development plans. Issues such as counselling requests, individual learning plan, extra-curricular qualifications and work experience can be recorded, providing full details of what each plan covers, what actions / tasks are required to meet items in the plan and what skills will be attained should the actions and tasks be completed.
CAM46 Programmes - Academic Standing (Primary use: Australia) Academic Standing is a measure of student engagement and achievement during their degree and is made up of three different types: - Module Standing - Programme Standing - Student Standing Each type of Standing is calculated to produce an outcome, which collectively determines what the consequences are for the student and what restrictions (if any) are placed on the student’s ability to progress into the next enrolment period.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
IPP04 Institution Published Programmes - Publishing (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the publishing of course, unit, and event or service information. The software generates static web pages from course, unit, event or service information using configurable web page templates to ensure a standardised corporate approach to page presentation. Each publishable element (e.g. course, unit etc) can have a different publishing template, or more practically each school, department or faculty can have their own template layout. This component provides the facility to update publishable content quickly and efficiently when changes are made without the need for users with specific web development skills.
CAM01 Programmes - Basic Data (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the creation of the academic framework required including associated modules to be taken in order to gain a qualification. Includes the ability to define rules at various stages of the academic framework to reflect the regulations of the institution.
CAM26 Programmes - Curriculum Management (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the planning, modelling, deployment and monitoring of the institution's curriculum. Planning facility is used to plan a curriculum for a future year with the facility for the planner to set the appropriate targets for a planning exercise. The targets must be set at an institutional level and then disaggregated according to planning roles. Deployment facility enables institutions to deploy a planned curriculum into the live system in order for the curriculum to be used within the next academic year.
CAM28 Programmes - Curriculum Monitoring (Primary use: All geographies) Curriculum Monitoring.
CAM49 Programmes - Diet Set-up (Primary use: All geographies) Enables student diets to be created and maintained with ease, enabling users to prescribe the compulsory and elective modules associated to a programme of study. Test diet functionality is provided in order for users to preview how each diet will look in module registration and in order to test the selection of modules / units according to the rules of each programme. The diet set-up screen can also be accessed from a tab within Curriculum Proposals and Approvals component, where licensed.
CAM03 Programmes - Planning (Primary use: All geographies) Facilitates the creation of the student programme following academic rules and programme validation. This includes aspects of module diet configuration (e.g. module collections), pathway validation, rule set up and student programme validation tools / reports.
SV307 SITS e:Vision - Curriculum Proposals and Approvals (Primary use: All geographies) Works with SV801 and CAM26 to comprise the Curriculum Proposals and Approvals solution (requires CPA template). Contains a series of data tables which mirror those in the live curriculum and where elements of the curriculum can be planned and modified in a secure area; prior to live deployment and student registration. This functionality will enable you to plan the curriculum for a future year and includes functionality to support the recording of programme specifications and business cases / rationale; expected learning outcomes; planning and approval workflows; as well as the comparison of planned data against live data; or previous versions.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
AFD09 AFD - Address Refiner (Primary use: All geographies) Enables users to validate addresses, email addresses and phone numbers to ensure that they are correct, with the ability to update any incorrect addresses using data supplied by AFD. This component provides a bulk process to validate addresses already held within the system, e.g. addresses which may have been brought in from other systems and therefore not previously validated by AFD.
AFD08 AFD - Email & Phone Validation, Address Type Ahead (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to AFD's phone and email validation solution. Email addresses and phone numbers are validated against the DNS (Domain) and phone networks in real-time, ensuring that they are valid and active. Students are provided with suggestions for email addresses when they enter an incorrect domain, e.g. hutmail.
AFD05 AFD - Postcode Everywhere - XML Server (e:Vision) (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to AFD Postcode validator for e-Vision for Address validation on entry.
AFD07 AFD - World Address (e:Vision) (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to AFD World Address for the purposes of address validation on entry, via the e-Vision web portal.
MEN15 Menu System - Advanced Global Update Tools (Primary use: All geographies) Global Update tool which provides search and replace functionality for updating data values across a range of retrieved records.
MEN24 Menu System - Advanced XSL Transformation (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an integration to XSL Transformation (XSLT) v3.0 specification.
MEN26 Menu System - API Events (Primary use: All geographies) API Events
For use with Tribal Integration Platform. Tribal Cloud only.
MEN11 Menu System - Communication & Relationship Manager (Primary use: All geographies) CRM and Person Relationship Management Tool.
MEN16 Menu System - Configuration Export Tool (Primary use: All geographies) The Configuration Export Tool allows the allocation of records from any Data Maintenance screen to a Project. A Project template can be used to retrieve related records, which can then be compiled into a Project Build, which can be exported from the system when required as either an XPC or ZIP file. Facilitates the movement of configuration data from one system to another.
MEN04 Menu System - Delete Referential Integrity Control (Primary use: All geographies) SITS:Vision includes referential integrity in order to prevent “hanging” records being left behind when a record is deleted, dependent upon other records associated with it. The User Defined Referential Integrity component enables the user to additionally configure this capability, enabling data rules to be defined in order to further control where a record can be deleted.
MEN10 Menu System - Document Manager (Client/Server) (Primary use: All geographies) Enables data files including documents and images to be stored against any record within the system, and in most recognisable formats. Files can be viewed and uploaded through the system, and the upload action can be included in workflows and processes to ensure that required information is uploaded or made available to view at all appropriate stages. Linking documents to records reduces the need for paper versions to be stored in files. Examples of the use of Document Manager include uploading photographs as part of an application or enrolment process, uploading evidence to support applications, mitigating circumstances, module / course proposals, and general presenting of information to users.
MEN22 Menu System - Email Tracking and Harvesting (Primary use: All geographies) Consists of email tracking and harvesting functionality, allowing users to track whether emails have been read or links have been clicked by embedding a tracked image, link or link with embedded image in to a HTML email. This component also enables you to bring an inbox of emails in to SITS:Vision, allowing you to match email addresses to existing people in the system and to record attachments in a number of ways.
MEN17 Menu System - Event Logging (Primary use: All geographies) Enables for the recording of important user defined events in a standard and centralised way. These events could for example be a telephone call, email, interview, letter, database change and application received etc. When an event has taken place, a record can be created manually or automatically to signify that. All records are associated with the person, so the institution can hold information against a person and monitor them easily. The create, view, edit and delete rights for these records can be fully controlled by the institution.
MEN06 Menu System - Language Localisation (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the facility for displaying web pages in the user's preferred language. You can translate the following into as many languages as required: field labels or boilerplate text, error warnings and informational messages, portal content, options and help, images (including tooltips), web vistas, web task elements and questions.
MEN01 Menu System - Low Level Functions (Primary use: All geographies) Provides navigation and tools across the SITS:Vision software. It deals with data maintenance tables, report screens and processes, and the different methods of manipulating and storing data.
MEN18 Menu System - Microsoft Reporting (Primary use: All geographies) Allows SITS:Vision to embed externally generated Microsoft PowerBI reports in e:Vision. This provides a standard widget which allows PowerBI features such as filters to be used.
MEN20 Menu System - PDF Generation (Primary use: All geographies) PDF Generation.
MEN08 Menu System - SQL Tools (Primary use: All geographies) Enables administrators to run SQL queries from within the SITS:Vision application.
MEN05 Menu System - Store & Delete Table Update Process (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the update of data based on configurable rules. Provides a way of initiating data workflows and notifications.
MEN13 Menu System - Stu-Talk Publish and Subscribe (Primary use: All geographies) Allows an event on SITS:Vision to send (publish) an XML message to a “message broker” and for messages to be received (subscribe). Example message brokers include Apache ActiveMQ, IBM WebSphere, Microsoft BizTalk, and Oracle Application Server InterConnect (Oracle Message Broker). The message broker may “transform” the message and forward the message to any number of subscribed systems. For example, a new student enrolled is an event that triggers an ‘enrolment’ message to the message broker. The message broker will then send appropriate messages to any required 3rd party Finance systems, Library systems, Accommodation systems etc.
MEN14 Menu System - Stu-Talk Web Services (Primary use: All geographies) Stu-Talk Web Services include SOAP and RESTful listener services for trusted 3rd party applications to call into. This enables external software systems to “request” an action, and for SITS:Vision to provide a response. Requests can include the requirement for data to be returned from SITS:Vision to an external software system, a data update request to update data within SITS:Vision, or a process request – to run a process within SITS:Vision. Security is assured using password or OAuth authentication.
MEN02 Menu System - Supervisor Functions (Primary use: All geographies) Provides effective management of users and security across the SITS:Vision software. This includes Role Manager functionality, to determine content that is available to users based on their role. Each user is uniquely identified by a Master Person record which allows easy set-up of their roles and security groups. SITS:Vision administrators can also be given advanced access to certain features of the software such as resetting other users’ passwords. Auditing and archiving tools are also provided so that changes to records, down to field level if necessary, can be tracked and recorded whilst historic data or data no longer required can be archived.
MEN12 Menu System - XML Exchange (Primary use: All geographies) Allows the users to generate and load XML data files according to specific DTD or XSD documents. It enables data to be exported or imported from multiple SITS:Vision tables in one XML data file. Additionally the XML can be “transformed” using standard XSL Style Sheet transformation techniques.
CAM05 Programmes - Management Information (Primary use: All geographies) Facilitates the creation of the student programme following academic rules and programme validation. This includes aspects of module diet configuration (e.g. module collections), pathway validation, rule set up and student programme validation tools / reports.
CAM27 Programmes - Maytas Interface (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to Maytas Work Based Learning and e-portfolio.
CAM38 Programmes - Timetable Interface (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to import data from the institution's chosen 3rd party timetabling system into SITS. 
CAM24 Programmes - Translation to Rules (Primary use: All geographies) This facility provides the ability to translate into English all the rules defined in data for modules, diets, programmes and awards, which is essential for presenting the information to both staff members and students.
QAS04 Quick Address - Pro World (v5.6 - v7) (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to QAS Pro for Address validation on entry, within the e:Vision web portal.
SV105 SITS e:Vision - Advanced Intray & To-do list (Primary use: All geographies) Provides secure and robust online access to a wide range of functionality including SITS:Vision programs, reports, surveys, generated correspondence, workflows and web forms, ensuring that users can access content remotely and as appropriate to their role. Responsive design enables content can be accessed via multiple devices, with the ability to easily configure the interface according to institution preferences and branding.
SV101 SITS e:Vision - Basic Data (Primary use: All geographies) Provides secure and robust online access to a wide range of functionality including SITS:Vision programs, reports, surveys, generated correspondence, workflows and web forms, ensuring that users can access content remotely and as appropriate to their role. Responsive design enables content can be accessed via multiple devices, with the ability to easily configure the interface according to institution preferences and branding.
SV106 SITS e:Vision - CKEditor - Premium Plugin (Primary use: All geographies) Change Tracking premium plug-in for Curriculum Proposals and Approvals.
SV208 SITS e:Vision - Dashboard / Charts (Primary use: All geographies) Enables users to create their own Dashboards for e:Vision, populating them with Charts that source data from any table within SITS:Vision. Integrating with JChart we facilitate the ability to represent SITS:Vision data as Bar, Doughnut/Pie, Line, Area, and Table charts.
SV308 SITS e:Vision - Data Quality Guardian (Primary use: All geographies) Provides a configurable rules driven process for monitoring data quality (missing, incomplete or incorrect data), providing a means of identifying records that need attention, and allowing users to resolve these issues. These quality rules will be institution-specific and could be as simple as mirroring those of external statutory validation kits, but the real value comes from the application of internal validation rules across SITS:Vision. The tool itself allows for: issues to be fixed at source (e.g. automatically updating or removing records where checks have passed), issues to be logged as exceptions with a separate supervisor view to approve/deny them, or issues to be reassigned to another department or faculty. This component underpins the common perception that data is the most important commodity for an institution, and ensures that data issues pertaining to statutory compliance, as well as operational data can be easily identified and resolved.
IC201 SV Connector - Authentication (Primary use: All geographies) Can be used to allow e-Vision users to link their external e-mail address or social network account with their e-Vision account. After creating a developer application with the relevant website, i.e. Facebook, Google, Microsoft Live, LinkedIn, the institution can allow applicants to create an applicant account using their external account. Details such as email address and name can be pulled through from the external account and auto-populate the applicant account. Returning applicants can then log in to the applicant portal by first logging in to their external account, then logging in to the applicant portal at the click of a button. Furthermore, existing users can link their external account with their e-Vision account, and this too will allow them to log in to e-Vision by clicking a button and being logged in to their external account.
IC202 SV Connector - Cloud Documents (Primary use: All geographies) Allows for the upload of documents and files from a variety of cloud based storage solutions such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive.
IC205 SV Connector - Open ID Connect (Primary use: All geographies) Provides OpenID Single Sign-On (SSO) facility within the SITS:Vision. OpenID is an authentication protocol based on the OAuth 2.0 family of specifications. While the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based federation technology, OpenID can also satisfy these same use cases but with a simpler, JSON / REST based protocol. OpenID was designed to also support native apps and mobile applications, whereas SAML was designed only for Web-based applications. The solution merges the e:Vision Single Sign-On (SSO) solution with the OpenID Single Sign-On standard. The e:Vision SSO allows a hyperlink to be created which gives direct access to a portal page, portal container or specific e:Vision program.
IC301 SV Connector - LMS/VLE IMS - Person/Course (Primary use: All geographies) Provides for VLE integration (e.g. Blackboard)
Only LMS using the IMS standard are supported.
IC302 SV Connector - LMS/VLE IMS - Assessments (Primary use: All geographies) Provides for VLE integration (e.g. Blackboard)
Only LMS using the IMS standard are supported.
IC303 SV Connector - IMS LTI launcher (Primary use: All geographies) Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a standard created by the IMS Global Learning Consortium with the purpose of connecting learning systems.

The SITS:Vision component IMS LTI Launcher (IC303), allows a compatible 3rd party application, an LTI Tool Provider (e.g. PebblePad), to be opened within an iframe within e:Vision.
IC401 SV Connector - Accommodation API (Primary use: All geographies) Offers a dedicated integration to 3rd party accommodation systems using Stu-Talk. All systems are different, but the combination of Stu-Talk along with the SV Connector Accommodation API gives the flexibility and functionality to create such an integration, creating improved data integrity and maximising resources between systems. The component consists of four key operations that cover aspects of the integration, as follows: 1) Generation of Student data in XML format (for sending data from SITS:Vision to the 3rd party accommodation system) 2) Generation of Student enrolment data in XML format (for sending data from SITS:Vision to the 3rd party accommodation system) 3) Generation of Applicant data in XML format (for sending data from SITS:Vision to the 3rd party accommodation system) 4) Retrieval of Student Term Time address from the 3rd party accommodation system, enabling this information to be automatically imported into SITS:Vision.
MAS22 Tribal Dynamics Integration (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to Tribal Dynamics, providing transfers of person / application data, relevant communications, and student milestone (e.g. application offer, acceptance, clearance check, enrolment) data.
SRS12 Students - Data Anonymisation (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the ability to mix ‘real’ data from the live database with an alternative test or training system whilst keeping details anonymous.
SRS15 Students - Scottish data (Primary use: Scotland) (Primary use: All geographies) Scottish institutions must report module and course registrations and results for some courses to the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA). It is SQA that determines whether students have satisfied the requirements for an award when the module results are received. The function of the SQA Reporting element of the Scottish Reporting component is to: Allow product information from SQA to be imported; Allow records to be kept showing a candidate's position with respect to SQA; Provide processes for the transfer of data to and from the SQA; Provide a process to import the SQA certified result file.
SRS18 Students - OCCAM Interface (Primary use: All geographies) Allows address information to be exchanged with the Occam Accommodation system. Typically applicants and / or enrolled students’ details are exported from SITS:Vision and are loaded into the Occam Accommodation system. Institutions use that package to make offers of university accommodation to applicants and students hopefully resulting in the student accepting such an offer. The new address is then passed back to SITS:Vision and imported into the Student and / or Additional Addresses part of the system. Further changes of accommodation and address can equally be passed between the two systems using the interface to ensure that they remain in sync.
SRS24 Students - Survey Manager (Primary use: All geographies) Enables surveys to be designed, created and then submitted to individuals or groups of users of the system (e.g. staff and students). Surveys are created by the institution to meet their requirements, for example student satisfaction questionnaires, and can be delivered to individuals based on selection profiles so a select group of students could be targeted or, indeed the entire student population. Responses to the surveys can be processed to input into reports or to produce average counts for further analysis.
SV102 SITS e:Vision - Portal (Primary use: All geographies) Provides secure and robust online access to a wide range of functionality including SITS:Vision programs, reports, surveys, generated correspondence, workflows and web forms, ensuring that users can access content remotely and as appropriate to their role. Responsive design enables content can be accessed via multiple devices, with the ability to easily configure the interface according to institution preferences and branding.
SV103 SITS e:Vision - External Portal (Primary use: All geographies) Provides secure and robust online access to a wide range of functionality including SITS:Vision programs, reports, surveys, generated correspondence, workflows and web forms, ensuring that users can access content remotely and as appropriate to their role. Responsive design enables content can be accessed via multiple devices, with the ability to easily configure the interface according to institution preferences and branding.
SV104 SITS e:Vision - Forum (Primary use: All geographies) Allows you to create any number of discussion forums, which can also be referred to as “Discussion Boards” or “Bulletin Boards”. These can be used to send direct messages to individuals, make announcements to students and staff, create polls for data collection and allow discussion on a variety of topics. The forums can be automatically initiated using the role group facility, allowing institutions to make available a specific forum to any group of students from Enquirers through to Alumni.
SV201 SITS e:Vision - Web Vistas (Primary use: All geographies) Provides secure and robust online access to a wide range of functionality including SITS:Vision programs, reports, surveys, generated correspondence, workflows and web forms, ensuring that users can access content remotely and as appropriate to their role. Responsive design enables content can be accessed via multiple devices, with the ability to easily configure the interface according to institution preferences and branding.
SV202 SITS e:Vision - Task Manager (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the means of presenting an e-Vision web portal user with an administrative process or ‘task’, defined as a series of closely controlled actions. For example, you may wish to create an enrolment process that the student can follow online, without the assistance of a member of administrative staff being present. Various paths can be defined through each task, dependent upon user input, database values or conditional rules. Each step of a task can perform a different purpose, including collecting information from the user, displaying information, requesting file uploads, sending communications or running other data maintenance processes. Out-of-the-box programs can be run within a workflow, e.g. to edit addresses. This allows for fully-configured processes to be built, with configurable validation, help text and error messaging.
SV203 SITS e:Vision - Process Manager (Primary use: All geographies) Provides a tool set to enable institutions to create workflow processes that accurately map their own individual business processes into a web-based environment. Process Manager enables multiple processes or ‘tasks’ to be grouped together in order to manage wider processes involving multiple persons e.g. those requiring approvals.

Data is managed, tracked and captured using e-Vision and the online intray. Automatic triggers can be used to send any number of timed actions to specific participants.

Examples of processes that can be mapped using process manager include: course / module proposal and approval process, online module evaluation questionnaires, mitigating circumstances, appeals, external examiner management, student withdrawal initiation, and more.
SV204 SITS e:Vision - Document Manager (Primary use: All geographies) Enables data files including documents and images to be stored against any record within the system, and in most recognisable formats. Files can be viewed and uploaded through the system, and the upload action can be included in workflows and processes to ensure that required information is uploaded or made available to view at all appropriate stages. Linking documents to records reduces the need for paper versions to be stored in files. Examples of the use of Document Manager include uploading photographs as part of an application or enrolment process, uploading evidence to support applications, mitigating circumstances, module / course proposals, and general presenting of information to users.
SV206 SITS e:Vision - Person Set-up Manager (Primary use: All geographies) CRM and Person Relationship Management Tool.
SV207 SITS e:Vision - Tabbed Web Pages (Primary use: All geographies) A component needed for Admissions Folder Tree when combined with SV303.
SV209 SITS e:Vision - Web Tasking Administration (Primary use: All geographies) Web Tasking Administration. Create tasks and workflows within e:Vision.
SV210 SITS e:Vision - Web Stu-Talk Builder (Primary use: All geographies) Makes integration configuration more accessible to business users. Web-based Stu-Talk configuration will help your institution manage, maintain and develop system-system interfaces. Process steps, actions and workflows are presented clearly on screen and can be set up using straightforward drag and drop connections to display where, how and what data is passed between your core student record system and the numerous peripheral systems which use student data.
SV301 SITS e:Vision - Staff Vision (Primary use: All geographies) Provides secure and robust online access to a wide range of functionality including SITS:Vision programs, reports, surveys, generated correspondence, workflows and web forms, ensuring that users can access content remotely and as appropriate to their role. Responsive design enables content can be accessed via multiple devices, with the ability to easily configure the interface according to institution preferences and branding.
SV401 SITS e:Vision - Student Vision (Primary use: All geographies) Offers a dedicated integration to 3rd party accommodation systems using Stu-Talk. All systems are different, but the combination of Stu-Talk along with the SV Connector Accommodation API gives the flexibility and functionality to create such an integration, creating improved data integrity and maximising resources between systems. The component consists of four key operations that cover aspects of the integration, as follows:
1) Generation of Student data in XML format (for sending data from SITS:Vision to the 3rd party accommodation system)
2) Generation of Student enrolment data in XML format (for sending data from SITS:Vision to the 3rd party accommodation system)
3) Generation of Applicant data in XML format (for sending data from SITS:Vision to the 3rd party accommodation system)
4) Retrieval of Student Term Time address from the 3rd party accommodation system, enabling this information to be automatically imported into SITS:Vision.
SV801 SITS e:Vision - Institutional Committee (Primary use: All geographies) Institutional Committee is intended to manage the process of academic committees, exam boards, research boards together with their associated responsibilities, personnel, events and tasks. Each committee or board is identified in the system with elements.
TED01 Tribal Edge Integration - Menu System (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
TED02 Tribal Edge Integration - Event Grid (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
TED03 Tribal Edge Integration - Data Access API (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
TED04 Tribal Edge Integration - Progression API (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
TED05 Tribal Edge Integration - Queue API (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
TED06 Tribal Edge Integration - Validate & Translate API (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
TED07    Tribal Edge Integration - Change Tracking (Primary use: All geographies) Tribal Platform/Eco-system enabling capability.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
CAM25 Programmes - Automatic Exam Attendance Monitoring (Primary use: All geographies) Allows student exam attendance to be recorded either automatically through the use of a barcode scanner, or manually by entering the student’s ID. After examination scheduling has taken place in SITS:Vision and the seating process has been run to assign a seat number to each student, the Attendance Monitoring tool can be used. Once the attendance of the student is entered, the process will update the relevant student exam record to show that they have attended.
CAM23 Programmes - MAV Activities & Tutor Assignment (Primary use: All geographies) Allows specific staff to be attached to activities that take place as part of a module such as classes, lectures or field trips. The staff member can be assigned to the event for a given date range which can then be used to identify when staff are performing certain activities. It also allows the identification of clashes between other events the staff member is responsible for. How often the event takes place within the date range can also be defined as well as the staff members pay rate and how many of the events they must attend e.g. they must attend 10 out of 20 one hour lectures at a rate of £20 per hour. Module Event Activities can also be used to generate register information for use when recording absences.
CAM43 Programmes - Module Registration & Programme Approval (Primary use: All geographies) Allows institutions to have complete control over the modules (or study units) that a student can select during registration. It is possible for staff to register selections on behalf of a student; or students can make their own selections via the self-service web portal. SITS:Vision provides the concept of a ‘module diet’ which defines the compulsory and elective modules for each study combination, enabling students to be presented with those modules which are entirely relevant to their studies. The software is also able to take into account any pre- or co-requisites required of that module and whether a student meets these credentials, and also provides optional approval mechanisms whereby staff can log on to review, approve or decline such selections.
CAM14 Programmes - Student Absence Management (Primary use: All geographies) Management of student registers based on the generated timetable. Managing absences based on the timetable defined in SITS:Vision facilitates greater accuracy in absence durations and specific sessions missed. The process also enables the use of 'make-up' time which allows students who have been absent from classes to attend additional classes to compensate for the missed study time. This is particularly useful for courses and modules that require an minimum attendance level. Attendance can be reported and included in transcripts and diploma supplements.
CAM22 Programmes - Student Replace Module (Primary use: All geographies) Works as part of the Student Curriculum solution together with CAM02. This solution enables the definition of module diets (i.e. the compulsory and optional modules associated to a programme), required for the online module registration process and the generation of a timetable of events. This tool facilitates the creation of clash free student timetables based on events created from defined module teaching patterns. The teaching patterns determine information including the activity type, frequency, duration and location of modules. This information is used in the generation of events which constitute the classes (for example lectures, seminars or tutorials). Staff and Rooms can be assigned to events before or after students are scheduled onto the events appropriate for the modules they are studying. The result of the scheduling process can be displayed in personalised timetable views for students and staff which can also show other information associated with their record in the system such as interviews, placements, assessments due, payments due and examinations. This component also includes the room records and associated attributes (e.g. format, type and activity to room type matching) which are used throughout the system, including Exam Scheduling, Accessibility Manager, Student Scheduling, Room Scheduling and Room Bookings.
CAM37 Programmes - Waiting Lists and Ranking in Mod Reg (Primary use: All geographies) During Module Registration, if a student selects a module that is full they can be entered onto a waiting list. Then, if and when space becomes available, they can be accepted onto the module. A module waiting list option will appear as a warning message and icon within the online registration facilities, indicating when a target capacity is full.
SV402 SITS e:Vision - Timetable Enquiry Selection Tool (Primary use: All geographies) Gives students the ability to view possible timetables for module selections that they have made, before they are submitted, giving a student the ability to see the times to attend class. The functionality is available to applicants, first year students making initial selections, and returning students via the published programme functionality.
SRS20 Students - Accessibility Assessment Management (Primary use: All geographies) Helps you to comply with disability related legislation through the recording of student special needs. The functionality allows users to create an extensive repository to hold information and assessments of disabilities. The software also permits the recording of all subsequent requirements and provisions for such special needs, ranging from additional time that may be required for an exam or teaching to the provision of specialised equipment and actions to those responsible for such provisions.
SRS16 Students - Student Automation (Primary use: All geographies) Used to automate the updating of records, generation of reports / communications and to automatically run processes. Through the Table Update Process tool, institutions can create user defined automation operations, anywhere within the system. Functions of this tool include: the ability to update, create or delete any field in any record based on a condition, the facility to run any process or generate reports / communications, the facility to run SQL, and the ability to run Automated Business Procedures. A suite of pre-defined automation scripts that can be tailored to provide a powerful workflow processing engine are also provided. These scripts can perform a series of tasks from updating data through to complex student progression tasks improving efficiency and data integrity within the system. Examples of processing include student withdrawals, student re-enrolment, creation of module selections and more. Related component MEN05.
SRS30 Students - Student Engagement (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the ability to monitor and review engagement of all students through the definition of a variety of different measures or indicators for individual students or groups. It also gives you the ability to flag records for follow up internally or for reporting to external agencies. It can be used to monitor engagement for all students, not just those students being monitored under the UKVI Tier 4 (points based system), as part of your wider student support and retention policies.
SRS40 Students - Year Specific Data (Primary use: All geographies) Allows data to be recorded about a student on a year-by-year basis, which is not linked to courses, programmes or routes.
CAM47 Programmes - Module Registration: Class Selection (Primary use: Australia) Module Registration were selection is based on module availability and times. Designed to work with Diets that provide more basic options rather than standard full time study.
CAM48 Programmes - Time Zones (Primary use: Australia) Enables the timetable to be displayed in alternative time-zones based upon the student’s location of study. This component is useful where institutions offer lectures/seminars/tutorials etc. across multiple time zones, without them having to convert the time zones themselves. A clearer presentation of the timetable is provided, improving the student experience and reducing the number of events (e.g. lectures) that are missed through errors in time zone conversions.
CAM42 Programmes - Validation Waivers (Primary use: Australia) Validation Waivers can be setup in order for certain rules (e.g. module requisites) to be bypassed within module registration. When enabled, students will be given the option of requesting a waiver, and for these to be approved or rejected by staff as required.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
SV601 SITS e:Vision - Alumni (Primary use: All geographies) Allows details of former students / staff (Alumni) to be managed and maintained, including academic and employment histories. Integralto Alumni Management are Interest Groups which may relate to a subject, a development activity or an event. Alumni may have some interest groups automatically assigned whilst others can be selected. Donations are also recorded in the system.
SRS11 Students - Alumni (Primary use: All geographies) Works with SV601 to create the Alumni Management solution. Allows details of former students / staff (Alumni) to be managed and maintained, including academic and employment histories. Integral to Alumni Management are Interest Groups which may relate to a subject, a development activity or an event. Alumni may have some interest groups automatically assigned whilst others can be selected. Donations are also recorded in the system.
SRS07 Students - Award Ceremony Data (Primary use: All geographies) Enables an Award Ceremony to be defined and managed. It is possible to ensure only qualified students are invited to attend the ceremony, which can trigger an online process requiring a response from the student. Seating arrangements for ceremony attendees (including students, VIPs, guests) can be made whilst also offering functionality to monitor and manage any attendees with special needs. Prizes can be applied to students invited to the ceremony. Tools are available to ensure all required personnel tasks are scheduled and undertaken by the specified staff. A number of reports are included such as seat assignments, and invitation responses reports.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
SRS34 Students - Discover Uni Reporting (Primary use: UK) The Unistats return is required by institutions to produce comparable sets of standardised information about undergraduate courses. The Unistats return is required to be returned by all institutions in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales for all undergraduate courses. Teaching and learning percentages are also required to be published on a provider's website, as audited by HEFCE. The Unistats dataset contains areas of information that students have identified as useful, including but not limited to; course information, accommodation costs, financial information, course assessment details, popularity of a course, course accreditation information, course teaching locations and students' union information. All of this information can be stored within SITS:Vision and compiled through the Unistats component for return to HEFCE.
SRS23 Students - EDEXCEL Interface (Primary use: UK) Interface for IRL to Edexcel.
SRS52 Students - Graduate Outcomes (Primary use: UK) Graduate Outcomes is a HESA data collection on Higher Education graduates and is based on students who have previously been returned under the HESA Student data return. Tribal’s Graduate Outcomes component provides an out of the box solution to manage the Graduate Outcomes return, whilst offering the flexibility to tailor various parts of the return to an institution’s individual requirements should this be deemed necessary.
SRS46 Students - HEAPES Early Statistical Reporting (Primary use: UK) Enables for external reporting to HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) for UK Alternative Providers.
SRS44 Students - HESA Alternative Providers (Primary use: UK) Enables for external reporting to HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) for UK Alternative Providers.
SRS27 Students - HESA ITT Return (Primary use: UK) Supports the production of the HESA data collection for the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) return. This component enables you to meet the requirements for students on an ITT course leading to Qualified Teacher Status. The HESA ITT process enables HESA ITT returns to be produced in an XML format that can be processed by the HESA validation kit. A message buffer report is provided after the HESA ITT extract process has run highlighting any error messages that occurred during the process. The process can be run for an individual student, for an individual course or for an entire Academic Year. The system generates database records allowing the institution to keep HESA ITT records from year to year.
SRS50 Students - HESA Student Return Level 1 (Primary use: UK) Enables institutions to produce the HESA Data Futures return, enabling you to extract and interrogate all required student data on a regular basis. XML files are produced in the appropriate format according to HESA data future schemas.
SRS51 Students - HESA Student Return Level 2 (Primary use: UK) Enables the Data Futures return to be produced via a more data centric methodology. This has been implemented as event driven reporting, and allows providers to only spend time processing data which has changed, rather than spend time assessing the whole dataset retrospectively.
SRS56 Students - Office for Students Reporting (Primary use: UK) The OfS Transparency Return is a set of statistics showing the makeup of admitted students with a focus on demographics and protected characteristics. This allows prospective students to look up and compare the information as part of the decision-making process for choosing where (or where not) to apply.
SRS35 Students - Overseas Health Cover (Primary use: UK) Allows users to manage the provision of health cover quotes to students, the production of health cover invoices, and the sending of health cover schedules to healthcare providers from within SITS:Vision. The component comprises: Tables in SITS:Vision in which to store health cover data Generation of health cover quotes based on student/course information Generation of health cover invoices based on student selection/acceptance of cover Generation of health cover schedules based on confirmation of cover/payment of invoices Calculation of commission amounts to be retained by the institution Once the data from a healthcare provider has been entered into SITS:Vision, quotes can be generated based on institution-defined criteria such as the available types of health cover (e.g. single, couple, family) and the required duration (e.g. based on course start / end dates).
SRS29 Students - Points Based Immigration (Primary use: UK) Provides the necessary functions to collect the relevant data and interface as defined by UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI). It also handles the notifications required when students withdraw either pre or post enrolment. SITS:Vision is fully compliant with the requirements of the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) Tier 4 (Points Based System). Passport and Visa details of the applicant / student can be recorded within the system. Data extracted from SITS:Vision is used during the creation of the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) records as part of the generation process. This data is validated prior to extract and the creation of the XML file for upload to UKVI. Data received from UKVI can be imported into SITS:Vision to update the student visa application records. An audit record is generated when an XML file is created or imported and holds information on the content and status of the file. It is also possible to create the required files in order to inform the UKVI of all student bulk fee and non-enrolment information. The file ID sent will then be recorded on each student's Visa Request Record (CAS).
SRS57 Students - SLC Change of Circs Bulk Reporting (Primary use: UK) Allows you to automate the processes involved when submitting changes of student circumstances to the Student Loan Company (SLC). The SLC require changes of circumstances to be notified in the following scenarios as it has potential implications for student loans: - Allows you to automate the processes involved when submitting changes of student circumstances to the Student Loan Company (SLC). The SLC require changes of circumstances to be notified in the following scenarios as it has potential implications for student loans: - Withdrawals from study - Fee changes - Suspensions of study - Resumptions of study - Repeating a year - Transfers between courses - A change in study intensity (credits). This component makes the SLC implications an extension of the academic events that bear them, allowing institutions to respond to these events in a consistent and high quality manner.
SRS22 Students - Individualised Learning (Primary use: All geographies) Provides for the production of the Individualised Learner Record (ILR). The ILR process enables a dataset to be produced consisting of the Learner Data, Learner Aim and Learner of Higher Education records in a format which can be processed by the LSC Validation kit. It applies to Further Education (FE) only. A message buffer report is provided after the ILR Extract process has run, which lists any error or warning messages that occurred during the process. There are a number of maintenance facilities which can help to identify data inconsistencies and missing field values.
SRS38 Students - Verification of Study (Primary use: New Zealand) Allows users to manage the StudyLink Verification of Study process within SITS:Vision. This comprises of: Importing of VoS request files from StudyLink into SITS:Vision. Matching learner details on the VOS request file with data within SITS:Vision. Exporting of a VOS response files to send back to StudyLink. Importing StudyLink Payment schedules and Status Reports into SITS:Vision. Create Study Link Refund schedules Allows you to manage and complete your VoS returns in an efficient and user friendly manner. The Verification of Study request file is imported into SITS:Vision, which creates a VoS response for each student. The matching process will automatically match each student in the request file against the relevant existing data within SITS:Vision.
SRS54 Students Australian Reporting 2021+ (Primary use: Australia) TCSI is a joint project to transform how student information is collected. The Department of Education and the Department of Human Services (DHS), are working together with education providers and software developers to build a compatible solution that will provide a seamless experience for providers and students. The TCSI solution will replace the Higher Education Provider Client Assistance Tool (HEPCAT) for all education providers and the Centrelink Academic Reassessment Transformation (CART) for universities.
SRS31 Students - Automated Results Transfer (Primary use: Australia) The Automated Results Transfer System (ARTS) was developed to obtain electronic academic record information about current and former students who have made an application for admission through an admissions centre, and who have authorised that admissions centre to obtain their records directly on their behalf. When an admission centre generates a request for results, an Acknowledgement file is sent back to indicate that the file was received and the data content and file format were correct or that there were errors, in which case details of the errors are given.
SRS32 Students - Government Reporting (Primary use: Australia) CentreLink File Generation (CART) process enables CentreLink to cross reference and update information it has about students with information stored within SITS:Vision.
SRS37 Students - Single Data Return (Primary use: New Zealand) Provides the facilities to allow for the production of the Single Data Return to satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC). Allows you to manage and complete your SDR returns in an efficient and user friendly manner. The data required for the return is taken from your student records and stored in the SDR holding tables prior to you creating your returnable txt file. All required processes that allow you to extract this data and create the file can be run for the full student population or broken down into smaller cohorts. This functionality allows you to manage the validation of your data with greater efficiency ensuring that you submit your return by the deadline with minimal stress. Once the commit stage has been achieved this component also provides you with the facility to import the committed data into your system for core analysis.
SRS36 Students - NCEA and NSI (Primary use: New Zealand) Every student studying in New Zealand must have a valid National Student Number (NSN). These are required for statutory reporting purposes, in particular the single data return (SDR), which determines the level of Government funding an institution receives. NSNs are now assigned to students as they enter the NZ school system. International students enrolling in a NZ institution for the first time and students who were last in the tertiary education system prior to 2003 need to be allocated an NSN as part of their enrolment process. The National Student Index (NSI) is a database system maintained by the Ministry of Education (MOE). This system is used to allocate a unique identifier, a National Student Number (NSN) to every tertiary student and National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) candidate. Universities validate existing NSNs against the NSI as part of their enrolment process to ensure that any verified changes to a student’s NSI related details are reflected in the NSI. The SITS:Vision National Student Index component is certified by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and provides institutions with the ability to interface the NSI database in real-time to perform a student duplicate matching process in order to obtain an NSN number. It also manages: The recording of previous names NSI change notifications Raising Challenges with the NSI.
SRS62 Students - Single Data Return Level 2 (Primary use: New Zealand) Advanced features for the Single Data Return (SDR) for the Ministry of Education (MOE). These features improve the efficiency of compliance.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
FI_CNV Finance - Convera Payment Service Provider (Primary use: All geographies) Enables student transactions to be paid for through Convera, an external payment service provider subject to supported functions and provider capabilities. SITS:Vision provides various interfaces for use with Online Payments processing.
FI_BMC Finance Interface - Bank Modulus Checking (Primary use: All geographies) Bank Modulus Checking validates bank account codes and sort codes on entry into the system to reduce the number of errors in processes, developed using a specification provided by VOCA.
FI_FLY Finance Interface - Flywire International Payments (Primary use: All geographies) Enables student transactions to be paid for through Flywire an external payment service provider subject to supported functions and provider capabilities. SITS:Vision provides various interfaces for use with Online Payments processing.
FI_TRN Finance Interface - TransferMate Int. Payments (Primary use: All geographies) Enables student transactions to be paid for through Transfermate an external payment service provider subject to supported functions and provider capabilities. SITS:Vision provides various interfaces for use with Online Payments processing.
FI_GEN Finance Interface - Utility (Primary use: All geographies) Provides an interface to the institution’s chosen finance system, enabling financial transactions to be exported to the external finance system. Export records are created in SITS:Vision holding tables from where other processes (e.g. Stu-Talk, SQL) can push or pull the details into the external system.
SV306 SITS e:Vision - Debtor Management (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the ability to view profile, transaction and debt stage information for multiple debtors on e-Vision. Supported by both new and existing entities in Debt Management (SRS10) a user can set reminders and create contact notes to record communication with individual debtors. The system will track the status of each contact and flag any overdue reminders.
SRS21 Students - Cheque Printing (SAM) (Primary use: All geographies) Used to generate cheque numbers associated with transactions that are to be supplied as cheques. However, the main function of cheque printing is to print the text onto cheques in the format defined by the institution. Transactions that require cheques printed are identified by rules, before being processed through the appropriate action; Print and assign number, Re-print and re-number, Re-print and keep number, Undo cheque print and an option to Report any transactions that require cheques. Cheques can be printed as an automated process, by defining the criteria to select cheques to be printed and setting the process to run on a regular basis.
SRS39 Students - Contract Billing (Primary use: All geographies) Supports the definition of 3rd party contracts for use in Fees Processing. It uses a number of methods to raise tuition fee invoices for students based on amounts defined by a contract with a given 3rd party. It generates Fees Due records as part of Fees Processing using a Fee Profile associated with a Contract to which a student is linked.
SRS10 Students - Debt Management (SAM) (Primary use: All geographies) A flexible, rules-driven, integrated debt management system, which permits institutions to manage and report on student debt whilst still having full access to all student record data. Key data functions include receipting, automated payment allocation, payment collection (e.g. online payments and Direct Debits), debt re-scheduling, debt chasing, aged debt and other reporting. When combined with e-Vision students are also able to access, view and manage their own financial record where such functions include online payment of fees, including pre-payments, the set up of direct debits, viewing and printing of statements and previous invoices and receipts.
SRS55 Students - Fee Based VAT GST Calculator (Primary use: All geographies) If your institution receives applications from international students, then you might have to charge a different VAT rate than you do for your home (national) students. This component does this! Due to regulatory changes relating to GST/VAT rules for online courses in certain countries, an institution might need to charge VAT/GST to certain students on certain courses, based on variable criteria such as: Country of domicile, Course Type, Mode of attendance, Fee Data Type, State of domicile (e.g. separate states in some countries have different VAT/GST/Sales tax rates). The exact criteria that countries may apply to determine whether VAT/GST is chargeable could vary and change over time, therefore this is a flexible solution and allows for this. As an example, if an institution receives applications from India, an Indian VAT code must be recorded, and the appropriate charge must be made. Fees generated from Generate Fees Due (GFD), Fees Due (FDU), and the Application process are in scope.
SRS49 Students - Fee Quotations (Primary use: All geographies) Provides web functionality to construct and define fee quotations to be applied against programmes and courses to charge fees accordingly. The web process allows the quotation functionality to be included in workflows and online staff processing.
SRS02 Students - Fees processing (Primary use: All geographies) Handles the calculation and generation of academic related fees (e.g. tuition fees) which are then posted to either the institution's chosen finance system, or the Student Account Management component. Fees Processing uses the concept of fee profiles, or matrices to allocate the appropriate fee based on student and course / module information.
SRS17 Students - Fund Management (Primary use: All geographies) Provides the ability to manage all types of funds and generate fund / payment transactions. Calculations are performed in order to determine whether a student is eligible for a given award on the merit of their eligibility credentials. Fund Management provides facilities to manage fund applications, award calculations and payments. The system can also be used for access to learning funds, scholarships, bursaries, educational maintenance allowances, child care payments and hardship funds.
SRS19 Students - Intray and Online Payments (SAM) (Primary use: All geographies) Facilitates online payments receipting and Ledger Entry for SITS Account Module (SAM) SRS10.
SRS41 Students - Need Based Fund Manager (Primary use: All geographies) Aims to calculate the need of students and balance this with the available funds of the Institution through a number of processes. Automatic Adjudication distributes funds to Applicants in an attempt to fulfil any unmet need. Utilising the Final Adjusted Need of a student and matching this to the awards they are eligible for, adjudication of funds will be made to best meet the needs of the students.
SRS42 Students - Recurring Card Payments (Primary use: All geographies) Identify invoices, to be selected by the student / debtor and scheduled into a recurring payment plan. As well as Recurring Payment Plans, this screen also allows you to offer the facility for paying invoices in full. This currently works with the Payment Service Providers Realex, WPM & Flywire.
SRS58 Students - SITS Payment Solution (Primary use: All geographies) Record payments from other systems to be paid via the SITS Online Payment Gateway.
SRS06 Students - Student Grants and Loans (Primary use: All geographies) Enables recording of student sponsors ensures that fees are allocated and invoiced to the appropriate debtor. Supports SLC Import and Matching.
SRS48 Students - Voucher Code Generation (Primary use: All geographies) Provides a systematic method of generating a Voucher to allow discounts to student tuition fees. A user can create person-specific vouchers for an individual student to apply during a web enrolment checkout, or create a bulk voucher code for a whole course or module to receive a percentage reduction.
SRS53 Students - Fees Free (Primary use: Australia) Will initially enable institutions to hold eligibility data on students engaging with the University, including during application, admission and enrolment processes. It will record changes in eligibility and recalculate the student fees.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
CAM13 Programmes - Learning Materials (Primary use: All geographies) Management of learning materials associated with modules. Learning materials are linked to modules ensuring that all students taking a module will be provided with the appropriate learning materials, which could include compulsory texts, periodicals, module handbooks or leaflets. Each item is held in the database with a number of attributes that can be monitored and reported including, cost, weight and stock level. Learning Materials Management includes facilities to create consignment notes and lists of students / items to be dispatched.
SRS01 Students - Basic Data (Primary use: All geographies) Facilities a central management point to handle student enrolments and re-enrolments onto courses within SITS:Vision. There are a number of maintenance facilities related to student enrolment including a check for inconsistency between records, identifying duplicate students, dealing with transfers and withdrawals and the calculation of tariff qualifications on entry. Reports can be produced on enrolled students by course or as statistics, for example on age, ethnic origin, disability and mode of attendance. Data for use in external returns and many student based reports is extracted predominantly from this area of the system.
SRS09 Students - Research Management (Primary use: All geographies) SITS:Vision recognises that a Research Degree Programme is not usually controlled by the ‘normal’ programme of modules and assessments. Instead, it is defined by a series of events which happen at different stages. Research Student Management will enable an institution to manage and record those events and stages, with the generation of an additional set of records which apply only to research students. Research Students have the same records as all other students in order to reflect their enrolment but the Research Student Management component ensures that the additional research information can be fully recorded. Included within the component are a vast number of records which enable details relating to the research student, supervisors / examiners, events (for progress monitoring and milestones etc.), publications, projects, skills and funding etc. to be fully maintained.
SRS03 Students - Student Placements (Primary use: All geographies) Provides functionality to support the definition and organisation of placements, including management of industry, nursing and teaching placements. It can manage various placement types including full time work placement, block and serial teaching practice, social work, nursing practice and other work experience. The key processes available enable the identification of students that require a placement, identification of the number and type of placements available, co-ordination of student and placement, arrangements for interview – acceptance and rejection, tracking and supervision of students on placements and the production of analysis reports, journals and evaluation on performance.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
MAS03 Admissions - Marketing and Publicity (Primary use: All geographies) Management of marketing material and analysis of enquiries and applications against source of interest and areas of interest. This component holds enquirer records with links to enquirer actions and enquirer call logs. Marketing materials can be associated with actions and stock levels tracked.
IPP01 Institution Published Programmes - Basic Data&Reg (Primary use: All geographies) Enables enquiries and applications to be processed via the Prospectus Publishing function. From published content delivered via the eVision Course and Event Publishing component, enquirers and applicants can view information about the courses, modules and events on offer at the institution. This enables the user to continue through to enquiry and application workflows. Using enquirer workflows, requests can be submitted for additional information and marketing materials (such as prospectuses) to be dispatched to the enquirer. When an enquirer has selected the course to which they wish to apply, they can submit and monitor the progress of their application online. Similarly, applicants can apply directly via links included in the published content by completing institution defined application forms online. Facilities are provided to capture document uploads from the applicant as part of the process.
IPP02 Institution Published Programmes - Enquiry (Primary use: All geographies) Enables enquiries and applications to be processed via the Prospectus Publishing function. From published content delivered via the eVision Course and Event Publishing component, enquirers and applicants can view information about the courses, modules and events on offer at the institution. This enables the user to continue through to enquiry and application workflows. Using enquirer workflows, requests can be submitted for additional information and marketing materials (such as prospectuses) to be dispatched to the enquirer. When an enquirer has selected the course to which they wish to apply, they can submit and monitor the progress of their application online. Similarly, applicants can apply directly via links included in the published content by completing institution defined application forms online. Facilities are provided to capture document uploads from the applicant as part of the process.
SV305 SITS e:Vision - Campaign and Comms Management (Primary use: All geographies) Allows details of former students / staff (Alumni) to be managed and maintained, including academic and employment histories. Integralto Alumni Management are Interest Groups which may relate to a subject, a development activity or an event. Alumni may have some interest groups automatically assigned whilst others can be selected. Donations are also recorded in the system.
Component Code Component Name Component Description
CAM20 Programmes - Commercial Room Booking (Primary use: All geographies) Commercial Room Bookings enables the booking of rooms for commercial purposes. Rooms and any associated facilities that are required can be booked using this component, full charging and invoicing capabilities are also available as part of Commercial Room.
CAM08 Programmes - Exam Scheduling (Primary use: All geographies) Enables for the creation of clash free timetables for exams across students and rooms. This process uses student assessments, usually of type exam, to identify and schedule examinations. Rooms are assigned in the process to ensure that the number of students can fit into an examination session, the process can also use multiple rooms where a single room is not able to accommodate all the students. Constraints are used by Examination Scheduling to ensure that you have control over the number of exam sessions and / or hours students take consecutively, but also any mandatory gaps between exams that may be required after unusually long exams.
CAM12 Programmes - Graphical Event Manager (Primary use: All geographies) Graphical event manager.
CAM18 Programmes - Invigilation Scheduling (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the scheduling and management of roles required during the examination period for all staff who perform an exam role. Staff availability, preferences, available and maximum days / sessions are fully stored within the system. This also covers the management of exam supervisors, invigilators, special needs supervisors and any other role that may be required at an examination.
CAM19 Programmes - Manual Scheduling (web only) (Primary use: All geographies) Provides a timetable manipulation tool that enables events created in the system to be altered within the timetable using drag and drop functionality.
CAM39 Programmes - Module Scheduler (Primary use: All geographies) Module scheduler.
CAM10 Programmes - Room Booking (Primary use: All geographies) Manages booking of rooms across the institution for both internal and external users. Provides functionality to create a variety of bookings for events such as meetings, clubs, evening classes or to cater for additional rooms required for academic timetables.
CAM09 Programmes - Room Scheduling (Primary use: All geographies) Facilitates the event management and scheduling process through the provision of processes, views and tools to manage room scheduling and room bookings. The processes provided ensure that room capacity constraints are not breached and that rooms are assigned to appropriate activities based on the room type (as defined by yourselves).
CAM02 Programmes - Scheduling (Primary use: All geographies) Enables the definition of module diets (i.e. the compulsory and optional modules associated to a programme), required for the online module registration process and the generation of a timetable of events. This tool facilitates the creation of clash free student timetables based on events created from defined module teaching patterns. The teaching patterns determine information including the activity type, frequency, duration and location of modules. This information is used in the generation of events which constitute the classes (for example lectures, seminars or tutorials). Staff and Rooms can be assigned to events before or after students are scheduled onto the events appropriate for the modules they are studying. The result of the scheduling process can be displayed in personalised timetable views for students and staff which can also show other information associated with their record in the system such as interviews, placements, assessments due, payments due and examinations. This component also includes the room records and associated attributes (e.g. format, type and activity to room type matching) which are used throughout the system, including Exam Scheduling, Accessibility Manager, Student Scheduling, Room Scheduling and Room Bookings. See also CAM22.

Higher Education Full-Service
SITS:Vision Bundled Blueprints

Type Name Description
Blueprint Admissions Management This provides system configuration features to tailor admissions related processes, including criteria used within duplicate person matching checks, fee status calculation mapping criteria, interview questions, etc.
Blueprint Apply This includes university admission application form, UCAS and other entry system integration (e.g. DfE, CUKAS), and a bulk applicant upload capability for receiving applications captured by 3rd party organisations and systems.
Blueprint Profile Manager This includes role and access permissions management capabilities to assign roles and grant access to different users.
Blueprint Agent Management This includes capabilities to record and categorise 3rd party recruitment agents, manage lists of applicants associated with given agents, and an agent portal for 3rd party users to manage applications which they are making on behalf of their applicants.
Blueprint Interview Management This includes the capabilities to record and/or schedule interviews, and invite individual and/or groups of applicants to interviews appointments as part of their application evaluation.
Blueprint Application Processing This includes a dashboard overview of all applications at different process stages, and the capability to view lists of applications per stage, or by programme, department, cohort etc, review application details and make actions e.g. make offer, schedule interview etc.
Blueprint Applicant Finance View This includes an overview of an applicant’s financial position for the programmes they have applied to, including forecast tuition fees, inclusive deposit payments required, and deductions for prepayments, sponsorship and other fee waivers e.g. scholarships
Blueprint Scholarships & Bursaries: Admissions This includes the capabilities to create multiple scholarship award schemes, define eligibility requirements, award types and financial budgets, assign departmental ownership for each scholarship to administer application processing and awards, to present dynamic application forms to applicants to apply for scholarship, and to apply automated matching to present applicants with suitable scholarships to apply for based on their applicant profile.
Blueprint Advance Payments This includes the capability to manage online and offline applicant payments for both mandatory tuition deposit requirements for target student cohorts e.g. international students, as well as optional pre-payments for applicants who wish to pay in advance.
Blueprint Sponsor Management: Admissions This includes the capabilities for applicants to provide details of 3rd party sponsors who will cover part of or the full cost of their tuition fees. Applicants can select from a pre-approved list of known sponsors, or can provide new sponsor details, and both admissions and finance administrators can activate approval requirements depending on the sponsor selected.
Blueprint Applicant portal This includes applicant-facing portal content and self-service functionality to support and progress their application, e.g. upload supporting documents, respond to conditional requests, pay tuition deposits etc.
Blueprint Confirmation Processing This enables management of UCAS Confirmation Processing for Conditional Firm (CF) and Conditional Insurance (CI) choices selected by applicants, and includes capabilities to fully automate, partially automate or manual action institution responses to applicant selections, following assessment of applicant qualifications and results against entry criteria given in conditional offers of study. 
Blueprint RPL Management This includes the capabilities for applicants to provide details of prior accreditation to count towards the awards for the programmes of study applied to. Admissions teams can review and approve RPL requests using the full curriculum catalogue available in the wider student management system.

Higher Education Full-Service
SITS:Vision Bundled Templates

Type Name Description
Template Applicant Transfer This includes the ability to select cohorts of applicants with confirmed places of study, create their enrolment and study records in the student management system, initiate onboarding and pre-enrolment, and provide access to the student portal self-service features.
Template Enrolment (Online) This includes student facing self-service enrolment workflows accessed within the student portal, targeting pre-enrolled students either after transfer from the Tribal solution, or following progression points e.g. returning students, based on time periods defined within the curriculum, e.g. academic year, semester etc, and by student enrolment status. Online enrolment includes features to verify personal and next of kin details, verify programme details, provide and update biographic information required for statutory returns, upload documents included photos for ID cards, and view fees, make payments and generate tuition invoices.
Template Enrolment (Face to Face) This includes registry staff facing content to facilitate face to face enrolment checks for new first year students. Providing a checklist of actions and documents required to finalise enrolment.
Template UKVI for Students This includes the capability to identify international students with Study Route Visa requirements and produce reports in UKVI-defined formats to provide evidence of course attendance as ongoing requirements for study visa validation.
Type Name Description
Template Student Management This includes student self-service features to initiate study pauses, programme transfers and/or withdrawals, as well as other changes such as change of subject specialism requests, and changes from full time to part time study. Student requests generate tickets in staff in-tray solutions for actioning and tracking responses and completion of student change of study requests, as well as notifications to other teams, for example, for fees changes or assessments updates.
Template Student Portal This includes student-facing content to provide self-service features and general study related information to students. Further, students are presented with self-service features to initiate study pauses, programme transfers and/or withdrawals, as well as other changes such as change of subject specialism requests, and changes from full time to part time study. Student requests generate tickets in staff in-tray solutions for actioning and tracking responses and completion of student change of study requests, as well as notifications to other teams e.g. for fees changes, assessments updates etc.
Template Registry Staff Portal This includes student lookup capabilities to provide staff with a rounded view for student enrolment and study related details, as well as access to student request in-trays, and workflows to manage student study change requests raised through the applicant portal.
Template Research Event Management This includes design, creation and management of postgraduate research student assessment events, including supervisor meetings, examinations and assessments, vivas etc. Events can be templated per PGR programme, and scheduled per student, with both student and staff facing workflows used to record details and initiate the next event(s).
Type Name Description
Template Online Payments This includes capabilities to connect to multiple 3rd party online payment providers and embed online payments within student workflows such as Tuition Deposit Payments, Online Enrolment, or general payments from within the Student Portal. Subject to payment provider, Recurring Card Payment (RCP) plans can be scheduled, managed and updated from within the student portal, enabling students to change payment cards associated with plans, change payment plan instalments and dates, and make early payments where possible. Payments are added to student accounts in real time and can be immediately reconciled against student fees and charges.
Template Sponsor Management: Students This includes the capabilities for students to provide details of third-party sponsors who will cover part of or the full cost of their tuition fees. Students can select from a pre-approved list of known sponsors, or can provide new sponsor details, and both admissions and finance administrators can activate approval requirements depending on the sponsor selected. Administrators can further maintain details of sponsor organisation details, and relationships with sponsored students, and can action billing updates where changes in sponsorship occur.
Template Scholarships & Bursaries: Students This includes the capabilities to create and manage scholarship and bursary award schemes, including functions define automatable eligibility requirements, award types and financial budgets, as well as to assign departmental ownership for each scheme, to administer application processing and awards. Dynamic application forms are presented to students and generated from eligibility rules configured against each award, enabling students to apply for scholarships and either be presented with terms on conditions of submitting applications for further review, or present real time, system generated feedback where they do not meet eligibility requirements. Automated criteria matching can be enabled to present students with suitable scholarships to apply for based on their profile and information held within the system.
Template Financial Registration This includes automated tuition fee calculations and presentation of fee statements to students during online enrolment, and enables students to register their chosen payment methods from predefined options. Payment details can be captured within enrolment, such as instalment plans, bank accounts, sponsor information, or (via third party payment services) payment card details. Financial Registration enables full confidence in billing and collection within an embedded process within Online Enrolment, reducing debt provision and earlier payment collection and cashflow.
Template Bank Payments This includes the capability for recording multiple bank account details and generation of UK BACS and/or other region (e.g. EU SEPA) bank transfer and direct debit payment instructions files. Both payments from and payments to student accounts is supported, for example refund repayment and/or bursary or support payments to students.
Template Debt Management This includes capabilities to define one or multiple financial account types, e.g. tuition, accommodation, sundry, etc, and to create debt management business rules per account type for either/or student and sponsor accounts, defining the number of debt collection stages, the time period of each stage, communications generated at each stage and any subsequent sanctions. Additional reporting and personalised payment plan features are also available.
Template Payments (Cash Desk) This includes capabilities to manage offline payment methods including transaction entry, tracking and approval forms for student facing "cash desk" teams, as well as payment file import and/or integration to external systems. Payments can be immediately reconciled against charges on student accounts, and used to update student balances in real time.
Type Name Description
Template Curriculum Approvals This enables institutions to define their relevant stakeholders and workflow required to review, modify and approve new curriculum proposals. Both new programmes and new modules can be raised for approval, with required workflow through different stakeholder groups configured to follow institutional business process. Curriculum proposals and required activities can be tracked and monitored, and once approved curriculum content can be published for use in other integrated solutions.
Type Name Description
Template Extenuating Circumstances This includes capabilities for students to initiate requests for consideration of extenuating circumstances to be taken into account during assessment processing, including request, review and approval workflows and status tracking.
Template Appeals & Complaints This includes capabilities for students to initiate appeals against marking and grades received within Assessment Processing and following approval workflows to initiate reassessment processing for affected study items.
Type Name Description
Template Graduation Ceremonies This includes the capabilities to schedule ceremony events for multiple student cohorts, locations and time periods, define and manage seating arrangements and capacity, and generate, validate and track ceremony ticket provision, including ceremony ticket payments.

Tribal Student Support and Wellbeing

Type Name
Product Student Support & Wellbeing
Template Question Management
Template Pre-Booked Appointments
Template Case Management
Template Student Self-Service Portal
Template Knowledge Base / FAQs
Template Kiosk (Front Desk / OSS)
Template Inclusion Management

Tribal Timetabling (Semestry TermTime and Semestry MyTimetable)

Type Name
Product Semestry TermTime
Product Semestry MyTimetable